10,000 Nights Nowhere
- A story full of dreams, fears, love... a race to freedom.
The story of a son who is afraid of everything. Overwhelmed by his dull life, one day he decides to flee. He starts a journey to nowhere, living other lives. And he finds out that if one day you no longer want to grow, it's not all that bad. You just have to learn to fly, to fly far away. It's a story about taking important decisions; and about how each time we make a choice, somewhere within us we make exactly the opposite one.
Release Date : 2013-11-10
Language :Spanish
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : SpainFranceGermany
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : His friend
Original Name : Lola Dueñas
Gender : Female
Character Name : Claudia
Original Name : Najwa Nimri
Gender : Female
Character Name : The Son
Original Name : Andrés Gertrúdix
Gender : Male
Character Name : The Mother
Original Name : Susi Sánchez
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : Rut Santamaría
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : Manuel Castillo
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Paula Medina
Gender : Male
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