
The Oily American


Moe Hican, an Indian, has struck it rich. Oil has been found on his property, and he now owns an estate with oil rigs everywhere. Even the fountain spouts oil! His mansion is as uppercrust as any, but he prefers to live in a tepee and hunt moose, within the rooms of his vast home, which have forests of their own. Moe and his butler go on a hunting expedition, with the butler being hit with every instrument Moe uses to try to kill a pint-sized moose.

Release Date : 1954-07-09

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Warner Bros. Cartoons

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Mel Blanc

Character Name : Moe Hican, Jarvis, Delivery Man

Original Name : Mel Blanc

Gender : Male


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