


Lía and Manuel live illegally in a closed house. Tania, trying to regain her rights over the space that her uncle left her, intends to evict them. But the couple is not ready to leave and Tania decides to retrench on the top floor of the house. The war that starts ends up moving them closer.

Release Date : 2013-01-26

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Producciones LargaslucesGalaxia 311KA ProduccionesOpen Roads Media

Production Country : ColombiaCubaPanama

Alternative Titles :


Olivia Manrufo

Character Name : Tania

Original Name : Olivia Manrufo

Gender : Male

Yasmani Guerrero

Character Name : Manuel

Original Name : Yasmani Guerrero

Gender : Male

Claudia Muñiz

Character Name : Lía

Original Name : Claudia Muñiz

Gender : Male

Mario Guerra

Character Name :

Original Name : Mario Guerra

Gender : Male

Marianela Pupo

Character Name :

Original Name : Marianela Pupo

Gender : Male


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