A Pleasant Terror: The Life and Ghosts of M.R. James
A biopic on the author M. R. James. If M.R. James wrote his ghost stories purely to entertain his friends, why do they seem to strike such resonances in readers? Why are they so terrifying? Clive Dunn's fifty minute documentary sets out to try to answer this question. In the words of its fictional narrator, nicely played by Dangerfield's Bill Wallis, "was there something that made [Monty James] believe that evil and malice could become palpable?"
Release Date : 1995-12-28
Language :English
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : United Kingdom
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : M.R. James
Original Name : Michael Elwyn
Gender : Male
Character Name : Self
Original Name : Bill Wallis
Gender : Male
Character Name : Self
Original Name : Christopher Lee
Gender : Male
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