Makoto Nakazono is a high school student with a small dark secret. Since he was little, he has had the mysterious power to see "black entities" that steal souls. One day, he is suddenly interrogated by one of the "black entities," Akira Seno: "Will you get in our way?" But Makoto replies with an air of resignation, "There's nothing I can do anyway, so I won't." At that moment, Makoto didn't notice the threatening shadow approaching his childhood friend Hazuki...
Release Date : 2014-03-01
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : STUDIO4℃
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Makoto Nakazono (voice)
Original Name : 花江夏樹
Gender : Male
Character Name : Akira Seno (voice)
Original Name : 小野大輔
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kenji Izumi (voice)
Original Name : 細川祥央
Gender : Male
Character Name : Ichiko Shimura (voice)
Original Name : 松本夕紀
Gender : Female
Character Name : Shinobu Toujou (voice)
Original Name : 前野智昭
Gender : Male
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