
Something Wicked

- Love is a tragedy waiting to happen.

A young couple embark upon their honeymoon against the chilling landscapes of the Pacific Northwest. But when tragedy strikes, gruesome secrets from their past collide with sinister forces of the present...

Release Date : 2014-04-04

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Merchant Films

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Shantel VanSanten

Character Name : Christine Webb

Original Name : Shantel VanSanten

Gender : Female

John Robinson

Character Name : James Campbell

Original Name : John Robinson

Gender : Male

Julian Morris

Character Name : Ryan Anderson

Original Name : Julian Morris

Gender : Male

Brittany Murphy

Character Name : Susan Webb

Original Name : Brittany Murphy

Gender : Female

James Patrick Stuart

Character Name : Bill Webb

Original Name : James Patrick Stuart

Gender : Male

Robert Blanche

Character Name : John Anderson

Original Name : Robert Blanche

Gender : Male

Betty Moyer

Character Name : Ellen

Original Name : Betty Moyer

Gender : Female

Broderick Boyd

Character Name : Valet

Original Name : Broderick Boyd

Gender : Male

John Breen

Character Name : Sheriff

Original Name : John Breen

Gender : Male

Jerry L. Buxbaum

Character Name : Ed / Campus security

Original Name : Jerry L. Buxbaum

Gender : Male

Joe Feeney

Character Name : Dave

Original Name : Joe Feeney

Gender : Male

Jeff Hunter

Character Name : Minister

Original Name : Jeff Hunter

Gender : Male

Megan Lee Joy

Character Name : Nurse

Original Name : Megan Lee Joy

Gender : Male

Patricia Malley Thacher

Character Name : Cop

Original Name : Patricia Malley Thacher

Gender : Male

Gilberto Martin del Campo

Character Name : Cop

Original Name : Gilberto Martin del Campo

Gender : Male






**Whoa whoa! That's not Brittany Snow in the lead?** I watched the film today and the whole time I saw it I thought it was Brittany Snow with dyed hair... But it turns out it was someone named Shantel VanShanten. Anyhow the movie is a little all over the place quite often, the main story could have made for a pretty good flick but it wasn't executed as good as it could have been. That said it did manage to keep the mystery going rather well, there was a couple ways it could have ended up and wasn't really sure what was what until the end. So yeah kudos on that at least. And despite the flaws I was never bored or anything and it was visually pleasing and probably will watch it again at some point so yeah, definitly not a complete disaster.