
Everything Is Thunder

- When a smart and beautiful woman falls madly in love with a desperate fugitive...that's DRAMA...loaded with dynamite!

The story, starring Constance Bennett and Douglass Montgomery, involves a Canadian POW being hidden by a German citizen during World War I.

Release Date : 1936-09-30

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Gaumont-British Picture Corporation

Production Country : United Kingdom

Alternative Titles :


Constance Bennett

Character Name : Anna von Stucknadel

Original Name : Constance Bennett

Gender : Female

Douglass Montgomery

Character Name : Hugh McGrath

Original Name : Douglass Montgomery

Gender : Male

Oskar Homolka

Character Name : Detective Schenck Gotz

Original Name : Oskar Homolka

Gender : Male

Frederick Lloyd

Character Name : Muller

Original Name : Frederick Lloyd

Gender : Male

Roy Emerton

Character Name : Kostner

Original Name : Roy Emerton

Gender : Male

Peggy Simpson

Character Name : Mitzi

Original Name : Peggy Simpson

Gender : Female

George Merritt

Character Name : Webber

Original Name : George Merritt

Gender : Male

Robert Atkins

Character Name : Adjutant

Original Name : Robert Atkins

Gender : Male

Terence Downing

Character Name : Spicer

Original Name : Terence Downing

Gender : Male

Clifford Bartlett

Character Name : Glendhill

Original Name : Clifford Bartlett

Gender : Male

Albert Chevalier

Character Name : McKenzie

Original Name : Albert Chevalier

Gender : Male

H.F. Maltby

Character Name : Burgomaster

Original Name : H.F. Maltby

Gender : Male

Norman Pierce

Character Name : Hans

Original Name : Norman Pierce

Gender : Male

Frederick Piper

Character Name : Policeman Denker

Original Name : Frederick Piper

Gender : Male

Virginia Isham

Character Name : War Widow

Original Name : Virginia Isham

Gender : Male

Skelton Knaggs

Character Name : Young Man with Lantern

Original Name : Skelton Knaggs

Gender : Male






There is just too much lacking about this to give it much traction with the audience. Set in the Great War, Canadian officer "McGrath" (Douglass Montgomery) manages to flee an Hun POW camp (killing a guard in the process) and make his way to Berlin. That's where he meets hooker "Anna" (Constance Bennett) and the pair decide, with Oskar Homolka's doggedly determined detective "Götz" hot on their trail, to try and make their way to the safety of Holland. The plot suffers badly from plausibility issues. Had it been made six or seven years later it could have been reasonably assumed to have been intended as a piece of WWII propaganda. As it is, it offers a muddled appraisal of Imperial Germany, of Germans and also of a fairly flawed cat and mouse game. Neither the lead actors, nor the writing, are anywhere near good enough to hold the film together, and though the photography is more effective in illustrating their perils, the rest of it is just a bit too romantically facile.