

- The crime was only the beginning

Once Pedro Chazarreta found murdered in the wonderful gated, El Tribuno newspaper hires retired detective novelist Nurit Iscar/Betibù that is installed in the area and a series of newspaper columns about the case. Along with the Chief of police of the newspaper, Mariano Saravia, and a veteran journalist, Jaime Breña, Betibù starts to investigate the murder. Using an old photo of the adolescence of Chazarreta, which shows him with fellow high school, the Group discovers an apparent connection between this murder and a succession of apparently trivial deaths of members of the photo. At the same time, Betibù must face its past emotional with the editor of the newspaper, Lorenzo Rinaldi, who seeks to restore the relationship.

Release Date : 2014-04-10

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Tornasol MediaHaddock FilmsINCAATelefe

Production Country : Argentina

Alternative Titles :


Mercedes Morán

Character Name : Nurit Iscar

Original Name : Mercedes Morán

Gender : Female

Daniel Fanego

Character Name : Jaime Brena

Original Name : Daniel Fanego

Gender : Male

Alberto Ammann

Character Name : Mariano Saravia

Original Name : Alberto Ammann

Gender : Male

Jose Coronado

Character Name : Lorenzo Rinaldi

Original Name : Jose Coronado

Gender : Male

Lito Cruz

Character Name : Venturini

Original Name : Lito Cruz

Gender : Male

Esteban Kukuriczka

Character Name : Benegoechea 16 años

Original Name : Esteban Kukuriczka

Gender : Male

Alan Daicz

Character Name : Luis Collazo (16 años)

Original Name : Alan Daicz

Gender : Male


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