
Female Gym Coach: Jump and Straddle


It’s coming up to competition time for the pretty office girls of the Kara Cosmetics Company. Kei (Junko Asahina) and her co-workers are preparing their amateur rhythmic gymnastics team for an upcoming competition. In order to assist the sexy ladies, Aoki (Funasaku Sasairi) is brought in as their new coach. As the team wonders about the coach’s ability to perform both on and off the court, Kei’s relationship with him is revealed. Long ago, Aoki slept with Kei before a competition and she lost. Now, he’s worried it will happen again! Can the coach overcome his sexual issues and help Kei win this time?

Release Date : 1981-10-09

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Nikkatsu Corporation

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles :


Junko Asahina

Character Name : Kei

Original Name : 朝比奈順子

Gender : Female

Yuka Takemura

Character Name : Ichigo

Original Name : Yuka Takemura

Gender : Female

Mizuho Nakagawa

Character Name : Mari

Original Name : 中川みず穂

Gender : Female

Saori Erikawa

Character Name : Miyuki

Original Name : Saori Erikawa

Gender : Male

Masahiro Yoshihara

Character Name : Yamamoto

Original Name : 吉原正皓

Gender : Male

Shinsho Nakamaru

Character Name : Kobayashi

Original Name : 中丸新将

Gender : Male

Sosaku Sasairi

Character Name : Aoki

Original Name : Sosaku Sasairi

Gender : Male

Kazuhiko Ishida

Character Name : Nishimura

Original Name : 石田和彦

Gender : Male

Tatsuya Hamaguchi

Character Name : Secretary

Original Name : 浜口竜哉

Gender : Male


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