
Corinna Darling


Out of love, young Corinna follows the plantation owner Mannsfeld to the Far East - where she has to realize that he is already married. A small consolation for her is the fact that Mannsfeld is not about a womanizer, but that he is serious about his love for Corinna. The only thing standing in the way of this love is his wife, who, despite the broken marriage, does not want to let Mannsfeld go. When the wife is murdered, this crime seems to bring dubious happiness to the two of them - but it doesn't last long.

Release Date : 1956-12-22

Language :German

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Arca-Filmproduktion

Production Country : Germany

Alternative Titles :


Elisabeth Müller

Character Name : Corinna Stephan

Original Name : Elisabeth Müller

Gender : Female

Hans Söhnker

Character Name : Peter Mansfeld

Original Name : Hans Söhnker

Gender : Male

Hannelore Schroth

Character Name : Dagmar Mansfeld

Original Name : Hannelore Schroth

Gender : Female

Alexander Kerst

Character Name : Dr. Suter

Original Name : Alexander Kerst

Gender : Male

Klaus Kinski

Character Name : Klaus Brockmann

Original Name : Klaus Kinski

Gender : Male

Annie Rosar

Character Name : Frau Suter

Original Name : Annie Rosar

Gender : Female

Wolfgang Gruner

Character Name : Inspizient am Theater

Original Name : Wolfgang Gruner

Gender : Male

Valéry Inkijinoff

Character Name : Chin

Original Name : Valéry Inkijinoff

Gender : Male

Panos Papadopulos

Character Name : Longo

Original Name : Panos Papadopulos

Gender : Male

Ah Yue Lou

Character Name : Suka

Original Name : Ah Yue Lou

Gender : Male


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