Im Fluss des Lebens
On the day of her greatest honor, the well-known Berlin author Agnes Berg receives the shocking news of the accidental death of her daughter Johanna and her husband. The loss hits her particularly hard: Agnes has been at odds with Johanna since she followed her husband to Mallorca 15 years ago. Concerned about her grandchildren Natascha and Enrico, whom Agnes has never seen before, she sets off for Spain. The reception is cool and unwelcoming. But Agnes is ready to fight for the love of her grandchildren, for which she will make a great sacrifice.
Release Date : 2011-02-11
Language :German
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : ARD
Production Country : Germany
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Agnes Berg
Original Name : Ruth-Maria Kubitschek
Gender : Female
Character Name : Richard Gutmann
Original Name : Charles Brauer
Gender : Male
Character Name : Katharina
Original Name : Katerina Jacob
Gender : Female
Character Name : Maria
Original Name : Ellen Schwiers
Gender : Female
Character Name : Inez
Original Name : Marijam Agischewa
Gender : Female
Character Name : Pablo
Original Name : Oscar Ortega Sánchez
Gender : Male
Character Name : Alexander Richter
Original Name : Engelbert von Nordhausen
Gender : Male
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