


Mary is married to Ernest, a successful businessman who devotes all his time managing the business he inherited from his family. Therefore, he spends little time with Mary, to the extent that she suspects he has a mistress. Isabel is married to Adolfo, Doctor of Philosophy and Letters, UNAM graduated, best friend of Ernesto. Patricia is passionate about esotericism; she believes in past life regressions. Isabel and Patricia are concerned about the marital status of Mary and to distract her, convince her to do a regression through hypnosis, the problem is when the hypnotist can not make her come back and they find Mary speaking a strange language, claiming to be a Basque princess of the XIV century.

Release Date : 2010-05-18

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Jaime Camil

Character Name : Ernesto del Valle

Original Name : Jaime Camil

Gender : Male

Blanca Soto

Character Name : María González

Original Name : Blanca Soto

Gender : Female

Javier Tolosa

Character Name : Iñaki landaburu

Original Name : Javier Tolosa

Gender : Male

Daniela Schmidt

Character Name : Patricia

Original Name : Daniela Schmidt

Gender : Female

Mariana Peñalva

Character Name : Isabel Menéndez

Original Name : Mariana Peñalva

Gender : Male

Víctor Huggo Martin

Character Name : Adolfo Menéndez

Original Name : Víctor Huggo Martin

Gender : Male

Jorge Zárate

Character Name : Dr. Antonio Rodriguez

Original Name : Jorge Zárate

Gender : Male

Mónica Huarte

Character Name : Dr. Olga Limantur

Original Name : Mónica Huarte

Gender : Female

Yolanda Orizaga

Character Name : Carito

Original Name : Yolanda Orizaga

Gender : Female

Archie Lanfranco

Character Name : Embajador de España

Original Name : Archie Lanfranco

Gender : Male

Yoloxochitl Lucio

Character Name : Lupita

Original Name : Yoloxochitl Lucio

Gender : Male


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