
Lan Yu


A love story between a country boy in Beijing to study and a wealthy businessman set against the backdrop of the 1989 Tiananmen Square incident.

Release Date : 2001-05-18

Language :Mandarin

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Yongning Creation WorkshopKwan's Creation Workshop

Production Country : ChinaHong Kong

Alternative Titles :


Hu Jun

Character Name : Chen Handong

Original Name : 胡军

Gender : Male

Ye Liu

Character Name : Lan Yu

Original Name : Liu Ye

Gender : Male

Li Shuang

Character Name : Weidong

Original Name : Li Shuang

Gender : Male

Fang Lu

Character Name : Yonghong

Original Name : Fang Lu

Gender : Female

Shaohua Zhang

Character Name : Niu Ma

Original Name : 张少华

Gender : Female

Yongning Zhang

Character Name : Daning

Original Name : Yongning Zhang

Gender : Male

Su Jin

Character Name : Lin Jingping

Original Name : 苏瑾

Gender : Female

He Du

Character Name : Sister Zhang

Original Name : He Du

Gender : Female

Li Bin

Character Name : Bin Zi

Original Name : 李滨

Gender : Male

Jingyi Liu

Character Name : Liu Dali

Original Name : Jingyi Liu

Gender : Male

Fan Zhang

Character Name : Jianer

Original Name : Zhang Fan

Gender : Male

Zhao Minfen

Character Name : Handong's Mother

Original Name : Zhao Minfen

Gender : Female

Li Huatong

Character Name : Liu Zheng

Original Name : 李华彤

Gender : Male






This actually starts off rather seedily, I thought! A handsome young student "Lan Yu" (Ye Liu) is working in a restaurant where some of his colleagues discuss the idea of renting him out! It's the wealthy "Chen Handong" (Jun Hu) who gets the privilege and initially their's is the most transactional of relationships. The older man is an highly successful businessman and the younger one, a would-be architect who lives a basic lifestyle. Against the odds, perhaps, the two men start to bond and even though "Chen" is an ostensibly upstanding, straight, member of the community there is the distinct scent of love in the air. What now ensues condenses quite a lot of their lives - ups and downs for both men, even a conforming marriage - into the story of their sometimes quite turbulent relationship before a conclusion that I really didn't like!! That strength of disappointment with the ending, I think, is testament to two strong performances and a story that draws you in. You start off feeling a bit sorry for "Lan Yu", but gradually thereafter you begin to feel more invested in him as a person, and then with his lover and then with both as the characterisations blossom in a plausible fashion. There is a strong supporting cast of characters who help diffuse the tension at times, but when it is just the two on screen then this makes for one of the better gay romantic dramas that I've seen.