

- My world is ending.

During the end of the world, two best friends walk around their city, talking about their sex lives, and one of them reveals they are still a virgin.

Release Date : 2014-06-07

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : HomeComing RC

Production Country : Mexico

Alternative Titles :


Pablo Mezz

Character Name : Álex

Original Name : Pablo Mezz

Gender : Male

Carlos Hendrick Huber

Character Name : Diego

Original Name : Carlos Hendrick Huber

Gender : Male

Alan Aguilar

Character Name : Óscar M.

Original Name : Alan Aguilar

Gender : Male

Berta Soní

Character Name : Lucy

Original Name : Berta Soní

Gender : Male

Hugo Catalán

Character Name : Ariel

Original Name : Hugo Catalán

Gender : Male

Roberto Fiesco

Character Name : El Gobierno (voice)

Original Name : Roberto Fiesco

Gender : Male

Roberto Becerra

Character Name : César

Original Name : Roberto Becerra

Gender : Male

Oliver Rendón

Character Name : Esposo Joven

Original Name : Oliver Rendón

Gender : Male

Naomy Romo

Character Name : Esposa Joven

Original Name : Naomy Romo

Gender : Male

Gerardo del Razo

Character Name : El Seductor de la Fiesta

Original Name : Gerardo del Razo

Gender : Male

Ricardo Enríquez

Character Name : El Treintón Adorable

Original Name : Ricardo Enríquez

Gender : Male

Jonny Ramos

Character Name : El Antropólogo

Original Name : Jonny Ramos

Gender : Male

Ruben Santiago

Character Name : El Rudo

Original Name : Ruben Santiago

Gender : Male

Roberto de Loera

Character Name : Alan

Original Name : Roberto de Loera

Gender : Male






Two young friends, one straight, one gay, spend their last day together before an apocalyptic disaster strikes the world. Both seem to have had their fair share of sex for their young years, but the gay lad is still a virgin - and he wants his straight best friend to have that honour. We spend the day with them as they discuss and re-live their lives and loves as we build up to the "Big Bang". There is virtually no nudity and some comic and photographic touches help this to be a slightly more subtle love story than we might have expected. The script is pretty ropey, but that's not so important. Worth a watch, as the boys (Carlos Hendrick Huber & Pablo Mezz) turn in good, engaging, performances and this storyline doesn't just run quite to form...