The Long, Slow Death of a Twenty-Something
Comedy - Ben Baker is a mediocre person at a mediocre job and spends most of his time drinking, smoking pot and playing video games and Dungeons & Dragons. All is well, until a rather unexpected thing happens to him and everyone he knows....the big "3-0". Follow Ben as he goes through a series of hilarious coming-of-age adventures and awkward mishaps to find his sense of purpose in a world that is quickly passing him by. - Larry Longstreth, Marisa Zakaria, Aaron Longstreth
Release Date : 2011-01-01
Language :
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country :
Alternative Titles :
Character Name :
Original Name : Marisa Zakaria
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : Larry Longstreth
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Travis Fritz
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Aaron Longstreth
Gender : Male
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