DramaTV Movie

Roses Are for the Rich


In a small town in Appalachia, Autumn's young husband is killed in a suspicious mine explosion. She vows vengeance on mine owner Douglas Osborne and dedicates her life to destroying him, even at the cost of her own happiness. When her attempts at financial ruin fail, she manipulates Osborne into marriage by claiming she is carrying his child. After Osborne dies from cyanide poisoning, Autumn is arrested for his murder, but she professes her innocence.

Release Date : 1987-05-17

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Phoenix Entertainment Group

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Lisa Hartman

Character Name : Autumn McAvin Norton Corbett Osborne

Original Name : Lisa Hartman

Gender : Female

Bruce Dern

Character Name : Douglas Osborne

Original Name : Bruce Dern

Gender : Male

Joe Penny

Character Name : Lloyd Murphy

Original Name : Joe Penny

Gender : Male

Richard Masur

Character Name : Everett Corbett

Original Name : Richard Masur

Gender : Male

Howard Duff

Character Name : Denton

Original Name : Howard Duff

Gender : Male

Morgan Stevens

Character Name : Brian Osborne

Original Name : Morgan Stevens

Gender : Male

Sharon Wyatt

Character Name : Harriet Osborne

Original Name : Sharon Wyatt

Gender : Female

Jim Youngs

Character Name : Lonnie Norton

Original Name : Jim Youngs

Gender : Male

Betty Buckley

Character Name : Ella

Original Name : Betty Buckley

Gender : Female

Rita Zohar

Character Name : Daisy

Original Name : Rita Zohar

Gender : Female

Peggy Pope

Character Name : Bea Osborne

Original Name : Peggy Pope

Gender : Female

Madison Mason

Character Name : Prentiss Osborne

Original Name : Madison Mason

Gender : Male






Only parts of the movie were filmed in Jasper. The early parts were filmed in Sayre Mine camp which is in Jefferson County right outside of Bham. The mansion scenes were filmed in the Hollingsworth house which is in Warrior, also in Jefferson county, so I think saying Bham is probably the best answer for where it was filmed. The entire area has is known for its mining, both coal and iron ore. Great film, the house used in the childhood scenes belonged to my grandparents. I was eleven or twelve while the filming was going on and remember what an exciting thing it was to know the areas and some of the people that were taking part in making the movie. This area was also used to film the Burt Reynolds film Hooper.