Just Say Yes
'Just say yes' is a tale of two women who love each other. 'Just say yes' is a fragment of Italy, a collection of Swedish woods and lakes, it's a wedding party where the main ingredients on the menu are civil rights. Lorenza and Ingrid have been living a seven year long love story and their wish is to get married (In Italy the same sex wedding is not allowed): that's why they get friends and family together for the preparation of their wedding celebration in a country where everyone has the right to get married, Sweden, on the day of midsummer feast.
Release Date : 2014-01-01
Language :Italian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country :
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Maria Pecchioli
Original Name : Maria Pecchioli
Gender : Male
Character Name : Ingrid Lamminpää
Original Name : Ingrid Lamminpää
Gender : Male
Character Name : Lorenza Soldani
Original Name : Lorenza Soldani
Gender : Male
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