Casino Royale
American spy James Bond must outsmart card wiz and crime boss LeChiffre while monitoring his actions.
Release Date : 1954-10-21
Language :English
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : CBS Studios
Production Country : United States of America
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Jimmy Bond
Original Name : Barry Nelson
Gender : Male
Character Name : Le Chiffre
Original Name : Peter Lorre
Gender : Male
Character Name : Valerie Mathis
Original Name : Linda Christian
Gender : Female
Character Name : Clarence Leiter
Original Name : Michael Pate
Gender : Male
Character Name : Chef Du Partie
Original Name : Eugene Borden
Gender : Male
Character Name : Croupier
Original Name : Jean Del Val
Gender : Male
Character Name : Basil
Original Name : Gene Roth
Gender : Male
Character Name : Zoltan
Original Name : Kurt Katch
Gender : Male
Honestly, this was my first James Bond movie. Despite the fact that the film was filmed in 1954, it is quite spectacular. It was very interesting to watch Bond try to win at the jackpot city casino with almost no poker skills. His way of thinking and incredible luck allowed him to fulfill his task. Although, honestly, it seems impossible to win at the casino from the first time. As they say, "the casino always wins." I do not think that's just that. But the movie really captures you from the first minute of the movie
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