
The Ghost

- Horror... sharp as a razor's edge!

A woman and her lover murder her husband, a doctor. Soon, however, strange things start happening, and they wonder if they really killed him, or if he is coming back from the dead to haunt them.

Release Date : 1963-03-30

Language :Italian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Panda - Società per l'Industria Cinematografica

Production Country : Italy

Alternative Titles : Lo spettro de Dr. HichcockThe Ghost of Dr. HichcockThe Spectre


Barbara Steele

Character Name : Margaret Hichcock

Original Name : Barbara Steele

Gender : Female

Peter Baldwin

Character Name : Dr. Charles Livingstone

Original Name : Peter Baldwin

Gender : Male

Elio Jotta

Character Name : Dr. John Hichcock

Original Name : Elio Jotta

Gender : Male

Harriet Medin

Character Name : Catherine Wood

Original Name : Harriet Medin

Gender : Female

Carol Bennet

Character Name : Woman

Original Name : Carol Bennet

Gender : Male

Carlo Kechler

Character Name : Police Superintendent

Original Name : Carlo Kechler

Gender : Male

Umberto Raho

Character Name : Canon Owens

Original Name : Umberto Raho

Gender : Male

Reginald Price Anderson

Character Name : Albert Fisher

Original Name : Reginald Price Anderson

Gender : Male






_**Italian Gothic Horror with a young Barbara Steele and Peter Baldwin**_ In 1910 Scotland, a paralyzed estate-owner (Elio Jotta) dies in a dubious manner and his wife and young doctor (Barbara Steele & Peter Baldwin) experience ghostly happenings, including poltergeist phenomena. Harriet Medin is on hand as the housekeeper. “The Ghost” (1963), aka “Lo Spettro,” is Italian Gothic horror, a reimagining of the French hit “Les Diaboliques” (1955). It influenced future movies; for instance, the blood from the ceiling was later done in “The Devil’s Nightmare” (1971), aka “The Devil Walks at Midnight.” Meanwhile the music box angle was used in “For a Few Dollars More” (1965). While this is an Italian movie, the cast is international with Steele being English, Baldwin & Medin American and Jotta Italian. Barbara is youthful and bright-eyed at the age of 24 during shooting. While the story is simple, the eerie ambiance is to die for. “The Ghost” is worth checking out for anyone interested in ghostly Gothic horror taking place in spooky Euro-styled castles or manors, such as “The Innocents” (1960), "The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll" (1960) and “The Tomb of Ligeia” (1964). The film runs 1 hour, 36 minutes, and was shot in Rome. GRADE: B-