
The Fool


The Fool is a movie about a simple plumber. An honest man, he is up against an entire system of corrupted bureaucrats. At stake are the lives of 800 inhabitants of an old dorm that is at risk of collapsing within the span of the night.

Release Date : 2014-08-09

Language :Russian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Rock FilmsMinistry of Culture of the Russian Federation

Production Country : Russia

Alternative Titles :


Artyom Bystrov

Character Name : Dima Nikitin

Original Name : Артём Быстров

Gender : Male

Natalya Surkova

Character Name : Mayor

Original Name : Наталья Суркова

Gender : Female

Yuriy Tsurilo

Character Name : Bogachev

Original Name : Юрий Цурило

Gender : Male

Sergei Artsybashev

Character Name : Tulsky

Original Name : Сергей Арцибашев

Gender : Male

Boris Nevzorov

Character Name : Fedotov

Original Name : Борис Невзоров

Gender : Male

Darya Moroz

Character Name : Dima's wife

Original Name : Дарья Мороз

Gender : Female

Nina Antyukhova

Character Name :

Original Name : Нина Антюхова

Gender : Female

Pyotr Barancheev

Character Name : Emelyanov

Original Name : Пётр Баранчеев

Gender : Male

Nikolay Bendera

Character Name : muzh Niny Galaganovoy

Original Name : Николай Бендера

Gender : Male

Ivan Bred

Character Name :

Original Name : Иван Брэд

Gender : Male

Nikolay Butenin

Character Name : Oper

Original Name : Nikolay Butenin

Gender : Male

Gordey Kobzev

Character Name : Syn Dimy

Original Name : Gordey Kobzev

Gender : Male

Aleksandr Korshunov

Character Name : Otets Dimy

Original Name : Александр Коршунов

Gender : Male

Dmitriy Kulichkov

Character Name : drunk man

Original Name : Дмитрий Куличков

Gender : Male

Roman Mayorov

Character Name : Politseyskiy

Original Name : Roman Mayorov

Gender : Male

Timur Kurbangaleev

Character Name : Okhrannik v klube

Original Name : Timur Kurbangaleev

Gender : Male

Kirill Poluhin

Character Name : Burlakov

Original Name : Кирилл Полухин

Gender : Male

Elena Panova

Character Name : Kristina

Original Name : Елена Панова

Gender : Female

Angelina Rimashevskaya

Character Name : Kristina's daughter

Original Name : Ангелина Римашевская

Gender : Female

Olga Samoshina

Character Name : mother

Original Name : Ольга Самошина

Gender : Female

Ilya Isaev

Character Name : Safronov

Original Name : Илья Исаев

Gender : Male

Maksim Pinsker

Character Name : Sayapin

Original Name : Максим Пинскер

Gender : Male

Lyubov Rudenko

Character Name : Razumikhina

Original Name : Любовь Руденко

Gender : Female

Irina Nizina

Character Name : Chernenko

Original Name : Ирина Низина

Gender : Female

Alexandr Korotkov

Character Name :

Original Name : Александр Коротков

Gender : Male

Larysa Domaskina

Character Name :

Original Name : Лариса Домаскина

Gender : Female

Evgeny Chupin

Character Name :

Original Name : Evgeny Chupin

Gender : Male

Oleg Kamenshchikov

Character Name :

Original Name : Олег Каменщиков

Gender : Male

Oleg Esaulenko

Character Name :

Original Name : Oleg Esaulenko

Gender : Male

Sergey Bubnov

Character Name :

Original Name : Sergey Bubnov

Gender : Male

Stanislav Kurach

Character Name :

Original Name : Станислав Курач

Gender : Male

Ilya Lovkiy

Character Name :

Original Name : Илья Ловкий

Gender : Male






> A man's stand between 800 lives and corruption. It was another Russian film just like the Oscar nominee 'Leviathan' that highlighted the corruption in a city administration, except it had no depth in its narration like that one did. A simple tale that takes place within the 24 hours, but strongly told. From the domestic violence to the political targets, the film extraordinarily portrayed its each character and some of theirs double-cross. Besides, it discloses what the higher and lower class expects from each other, like it is already in order and those who disturb it will be seriously get affected. When a public utility worker Dima Nikitin finds an enormous crack in an apartment block, initially he ignores it, but later thinks something terrible going to happen. As his duty, he notifies the higher ranked authorities in the middle of the night when they were partying. At the time when it was going to be declared emergency in the town and to take all the precaution measures, the tale takes a twist that changes the fate of many who were involved in the matter. So the dark side of the story comes into the display. Showcasing Russia in such a bad light really hurts if you're a Russian. More than that, the outsiders judging a country from what the film depicts is very sad. It was neither true story, nor inspired by the true story, but this kind of things happens in every other countries. More or less the experts agree with the film to the present state of the Russian political landscape. It was financially co-supported by the ministry of culture that tells us they're going tough against such action. So this film was received well from all the quarters thinking such kind of portrayal might lead to transformation in the struggling society. > "A fish rots from the head down. > If I am tainted, then so are all of you." In this, the main event was given the prime focus than any of the film characters. That's why the happy or the sad ending won't matter. But there was a character who was preferred the most for his involvement in the plot. In the meantime, it also followed other characters to add more complication in its narration and the story to get going. Overall, it was something like a chain reaction that began with a domestic violence and moved to the public service till it reached its highest end, I mean the head of the each department and the politicians. What the film's end was outlined is something the negative side of the society. The lack of the knowledge of the lower class families and the negligence of the civil servants is the reason for most of the tragedy that could have stopped before it to happen. The title is a metaphor for one who unnecessarily raising his voice in a matter where others were being quiet. All the above, knowing what's coming at you and taking an improper way to tackle it is what's going unnoticed. Unless every citizen join hands to fight against the corruption, this thing will go on. The film totally captures our attention. Obviously a slow start, but you could have not expected the way it ended. I haven't seen a single Russian film at the recent time, but very pleased with this. It was a double strike, delivering a message as well as a fine story for a film who seek only the entertainment. In some way, it was so much simpler and better than that Oscar nominee I mentioned. Because unlike that film, in here majority of us who always root for a particular film character mostly won't end in disappointment. That's the cleverness of this narration. If you had liked that film, then you should not miss this film as well. 7½/10