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Roya is a middle-class Muslim woman that struggles to find herself in the sprawl of urban Bangladesh. When she discovers that she will be replaced by a younger actor for the role of Nandini —a central character of Rabindranath Tagore’s political play Red Oleanders —she battles to reconstruct the part, reclaiming her identity and sexuality in the process. As she sets the play in a modern day ready-made garment factory in Dhaka, her journey to establish her individuality is juxtaposed with the journey of her housemaid Moyna, who later joins the industrial workforce.

Release Date : 2015-10-27

Language :Bengali

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Khona Talkies

Production Country : Bangladesh

Alternative Titles :


Shahana Goswami

Character Name : Roya

Original Name : Shahana Goswami

Gender : Female

Rahul Bose

Character Name : Imtiaz Ilahi

Original Name : Rahul Bose

Gender : Male

Mita Rahman

Character Name : Roya's Mother

Original Name : Mita Rahman

Gender : Female

Shohel Mondol

Character Name : Sabuj

Original Name : Shohel Mondol

Gender : Male

Reekita Nondine Shimu

Character Name : Moyna

Original Name : Reekita Nondine Shimu

Gender : Female


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