

- No kids allowed

A teenage boy discovers the perpetrators of several brutal kidnappings in his home town.

Release Date : 2014-10-20

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Aunt Max EntertainmentTiberius Film

Production Country : United KingdomUnited States of America

Alternative Titles : Treehouse


J. Michael Trautmann

Character Name : Killian

Original Name : J. Michael Trautmann

Gender : Male

Dana Melanie

Character Name : Elizabeth

Original Name : Dana Melanie

Gender : Female

Daniel Fredrick

Character Name : Crawford

Original Name : Daniel Fredrick

Gender : Male

Clint James

Character Name : Killian's Father

Original Name : Clint James

Gender : Male

Victoria Spencer Smith

Character Name : Killian's Mother

Original Name : Victoria Spencer Smith

Gender : Female

Darren Kennedy

Character Name : Officer Morgan

Original Name : Darren Kennedy

Gender : Male

Shannon Knopke

Character Name : Marsha

Original Name : Shannon Knopke

Gender : Female

Caleb Cox

Character Name : Tyler

Original Name : Caleb Cox

Gender : Male

Chance Nichols

Character Name : Geminski

Original Name : Chance Nichols

Gender : Male

Jake Gregory

Character Name : Little Bob

Original Name : Jake Gregory

Gender : Male

Elaine Jenkins

Character Name : Alicia

Original Name : Elaine Jenkins

Gender : Male

Nathan L. Henderson

Character Name : Coach Reynolds

Original Name : Nathan L. Henderson

Gender : Male

Debbie Forrester

Character Name : Grandma

Original Name : Debbie Forrester

Gender : Male

Vincent Michael-Smith

Character Name : The Small One

Original Name : Vincent Michael-Smith

Gender : Male

Daniel Smith

Character Name : The Medium One

Original Name : Daniel Smith

Gender : Male

Mallory Malibu Waugh

Character Name : Betty (voice)

Original Name : Mallory Malibu Waugh

Gender : Male

Meghan Socha

Character Name : Arielle (voice)

Original Name : Meghan Socha

Gender : Female



John Chard

@John Chard


Pain! Just how do these awful films keep getting made? It's something that tends to happen a lot in the horror genre, though calling Treehouse a horror movie is a bit of stretch. It's difficult to grasp just what the makers were going for since the film goes nowhere fast and quickly loses focus to the point that nothing much makes sense. It starts off promising enough, with a nice musical score and some nifty location photography work. Then it piles on the exposition, throws in some poor acting, all building towards a laughable finale that is most certainly not worth waiting for - and again the reveal doesn't make any sense given what had happened earlier in the piece. Poor and best avoided unless you want to feel angry? 1/10