
You Alone


In their spare time, after their studies or their work, children and adolescents between the ages of eight and sixteen meet at the School of Bullfighting in Madrid to learn the Art of Cúchares: Torear. In their stomachs there is no hunger as in the past, their dreams do not lie in having a farmhouse and being famous. Their only dreams are to be in front of a bull, animal with which death goes, fact of which they are fully aware, as their teachers continually remind them. These, retired bullfighters, some by age, others by force and all with their bodies full of scars produced by the horns of a bull. The nude bullfighting scene is fascinating without being exploitive, and it serves as an analogy for the vulnerability these young bullfighters have when in the ring with the bulls.

Release Date : 1984-09-01

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Serva Films

Production Country : Spain

Alternative Titles :


José Moratalla

Character Name : El despensa

Original Name : José Moratalla

Gender : Male

El Chino Torero

Character Name :

Original Name : El Chino Torero

Gender : Male

Lucio Sandin

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : Lucio Sandin

Gender : Male

José Miguel Arroyo

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : José Miguel Arroyo

Gender : Male

Teo Escamilla

Character Name :

Original Name : Teo Escamilla

Gender : Male


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