
What We Have


What We Have is is the tale of Maurice, a prisoner of his past who is unable to connect with the people in his new Northern Canadian small town, a community that is only too ready to welcome this European misfit into their arms.

Release Date : 2014-09-12

Language :EnglishFrench

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Maxime Desmons

Character Name : Maurice Lesmers

Original Name : Maxime Desmons

Gender : Male

Roberta Maxwell

Character Name : Rosemary

Original Name : Roberta Maxwell

Gender : Female

Jean-Michel Le Gal

Character Name : Michael

Original Name : Jean-Michel Le Gal

Gender : Male

Alex Ozerov-Meyer

Character Name : Allan

Original Name : Alex Ozerov-Meyer

Gender : Male

Kristen Thomson

Character Name : Patricia

Original Name : Kristen Thomson

Gender : Female

Marie-Ève Perron

Character Name : Fanny

Original Name : Marie-Ève Perron

Gender : Female

Johnathan Sousa

Character Name : Rick

Original Name : Johnathan Sousa

Gender : Male

Atticus Mitchell

Character Name : Lyes

Original Name : Atticus Mitchell

Gender : Male

Paul Fauteux

Character Name : Pascal

Original Name : Paul Fauteux

Gender : Male

Marc Fournier

Character Name : François

Original Name : Marc Fournier

Gender : Male

Pamela Sinha

Character Name : Libby

Original Name : Pamela Sinha

Gender : Female

Trevor Hayes

Character Name : Robert

Original Name : Trevor Hayes

Gender : Male

Bahia Watson

Character Name : Stéphanie

Original Name : Bahia Watson

Gender : Female

Ella Jonas Farlinger

Character Name : Jennifer

Original Name : Ella Jonas Farlinger

Gender : Female

Brad Borbridge

Character Name : Big Man

Original Name : Brad Borbridge

Gender : Male

Éric Forestier

Character Name : Father

Original Name : Éric Forestier

Gender : Male

Nino Février

Character Name : Young Maurice

Original Name : Nino Février

Gender : Male

Robert Gerow

Character Name : Reno

Original Name : Robert Gerow

Gender : Male

Kyra Harper

Character Name : Ms. Lascot

Original Name : Kyra Harper

Gender : Female

Jason Jazrawy

Character Name : Police Officer

Original Name : Jason Jazrawy

Gender : Male

Amélie Melkonian

Character Name : Mother

Original Name : Amélie Melkonian

Gender : Male






Frenchman Maxime Desmons ("Maurice") relocates to a remote Canadian community where he picks up his acting career. The wages are poor, so he tries to supplement them by teaching folks French. That's where he alights on keen, but shy, swimmer "Allan" (Alex Ozerov). Try as they both might, they struggle to fit in with their respective peers, but they do gradually begin to bond together. The former an outwardly gay man, the latter still preparing for his own journey into manhood. When "Maxime" intervenes during an incident with a bully, the younger man starts to believe that the two could have a future. This is when, using flashbacks and good old community gossip, that we discover just why the actor is now all but hiding in this provincial backwater. Desmons is pretty convincing here, as is Ozerov, but I found the writing a bit pedestrian and there is something distinctly unsatisfactory about the conclusion. The production is good though, the story evolves at a reasonable pace and it does present us with an interesting observation of behaviour that when looked on retrospectively, makes you wonder why people make some of the most basic of human errors when the heart and hormones take over.