


Laxmi Agarwal, a human rights activist and a survivor of acid violence, gazes back at us, as we contemplate together, the meaning of memory and loss. What does it mean to survivors of acid violence? What does it mean to people in their environment? How do the two world-views interact? What do concepts of 'fear', 'power', 'innocence' and 'beauty' mean to us? The Newborns attempts to provide a lens to the survivors of acid violence, to look forward and gaze back. They take us through the ennui of their domestic and public spaces in a nameless dystopian city, its factories, houses and motels, and its promises, never honored.

Release Date : 2014-09-13

Language :Hindi

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : India

Alternative Titles :


Laxmi Agarwal

Character Name : Herself

Original Name : Laxmi Agarwal

Gender : Male


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