Pale Moon
- To make your dreams come true, sometimes you have to break the rules.
Daily, Rika Umezawa battles a nagging sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction. She works a tiring job, comes home to an unappreciative husband and has little opportunity to enjoy life. But things change when office gossip about affairs and embezzlement inspire Rika to do the unthinkable. Soon, Rika finds herself filling the void with a university student named Kota and the millions entrusted to her by clients. Is her newfound lifestyle the key to happiness? And if so, how long can it last?
Release Date : 2014-11-15
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Robot CommunicationsShochiku
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles : Paper Moon
Character Name : Rika Umezawa
Original Name : 宮沢りえ
Gender : Female
Character Name : Kota
Original Name : 池松壮亮
Gender : Male
Character Name : Masafumi Umezawa
Original Name : 田辺誠一
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kuma
Original Name : 小林聡美
Gender : Female
Character Name : Yuji Inoue
Original Name : 近藤芳正
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kozo Hirabayashi
Original Name : 石橋蓮司
Gender : Male
Character Name : Keiko Aikawa
Original Name : 大島優子
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : 桜まゆみ
Gender : Female
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