The Gas Station
An acknowledged master of the short sans dialogue, Jos Stelling won a bundle of awards for THE WAITING ROOM at festivals in Holland, Russia, and Switzerland. And if you thought that richly inventive spoof of the leering macho in God?s Little Acre, the crowded waiting room of your local railway station, was one of the luniest Erotic Tales ever made, then buckle your seat belt for a ride down Life?s Great Battlefield: the expressway during rush hour! Take the boredom of the slow lane, add the spice of one-upmanship, top it off with a delightful girl-boy butting match, and what?s missing? A layover at the next gas station.
Release Date : 2000-10-09
Language :Dutch
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country :
Alternative Titles :
Character Name :
Original Name : Gene Bervoets
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Ellen ten Damme
Gender : Female
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