
He Took His Skin Off for Me

- Love is sticky.

A simple, domestic love story about a man who takes his skin off for his girlfriend, and why it probably wasn't the best idea...

Release Date : 2014-10-18

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Cungkeel PicturesLFS

Production Country : United Kingdom

Alternative Titles :


Anna Maguire

Character Name : Her

Original Name : Anna Maguire

Gender : Female

Sebastian Armesto

Character Name : Him

Original Name : Sebastian Armesto

Gender : Male

Sarah Barker

Character Name : Friend

Original Name : Sarah Barker

Gender : Male






He Took His Skin Off for Me is an incredibly strange film. The premise of the movie is exactly the title and the following fallout. I suppose it is body horror, of a sort. Really, it's a strong metaphor about relationships, about love, and about sacrifice. In its runtime of eleven minutes, the movie dances on the line of what will be the last straw before the man who took the skin off of his body for his significant other puts his skin back on and leaves. We see struggles and frustrations. In the end, what the author of the short story, Maria Hummer, and the director, Ben Aston, wanted to say about relationships. All in all, using such an extreme body horror technique to illustrate such a tender metaphor is unique, to say the least.