- Unconventional film about the peculiar journey of a few friends to freedom...
Adam Ondra has been considered the best climber in the history of climbing for several years now. Even though he is only 19. Despite the fact that he is studying at a demanding grammar school, he is maybe the most traveling and definitely the most watched climber of today. It is almost an impossible task to combine and manage top sporting performances on the rocks, a difficult studying and the never ending carousel of competitions, interviews, festivals and slide-shows. Adam is taking his A level exams in a few weeks. Even though he is a top student, he decides not to go to university. Instead, he and 3 of his friends are setting on a long journey to the unknown north of Europe. Remote areas of Norway and Sweden are hiding some undiscovered climbing and natural treasures. The first really FREE journey beyond the limits of human possibilities may begin...
Release Date : 2014-10-26
Language :EnglishCzech
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Bernartwood
Production Country : NorwaySweden
Alternative Titles :
Character Name :
Original Name : Adam Ondra
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Bára Vávrová
Gender : Female
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