In Silence
Slovak musicologist Agata Schindlerová, now settled in Dresden, has spent years mapping out the forgotten destinies of Jewish musicians whose lives were irrevocably marked by the advance of nazism. Scenes from the lives of several of them are portrayed in the film In Silence (ballet dancer Alice Flachová, pianist and conductor Karol Ebert, composer, conductor and director of the Dresden Theatre Arthur Chitz, pianist Edith Kraus, and the vocal ensemble Comedian Harmonists), which draws a sharp contrast between the protagonists’ carefree existence working and making music during the pre-war era and the subsequent severe upheaval in their lives brought on by the proliferation of nazism.
Release Date : 2014-09-18
Language :CzechSlovak
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : RTVSi/o postSlovenský filmový ústavFuria FilmČeská televizeFilmpark Production
Production Country : SlovakiaCzech Republic
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Edith Kraus
Original Name : Judit Pecháček
Gender : Female
Character Name : Karol Elbert
Original Name : Jan Čtvrtník
Gender : Male
Character Name : Arthur Chitz
Original Name : Ján Gallovič
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Kristína Svarinská
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : Laco Hrušovský
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Dana Košická
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : Valéria Frištik
Gender : Female
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