
The Little Prince

- Growing up isn't the problem... forgetting is.

Based on the best-seller book 'The Little Prince', the movie tells the story of a little girl that lives with resignation in a world where efficiency and work are the only dogmas. Everything will change when accidentally she discovers her neighbor that will tell her about the story of the Little Prince that he once met.

Release Date : 2015-07-29

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Orange StudioON Animation StudiosM6 FilmsLucky RedLPPTV

Production Country : FranceItaly

Alternative Titles :


Riley Osborne

Character Name : The Little Prince (voice)

Original Name : Riley Osborne

Gender : Male

Mackenzie Foy

Character Name : The Little Girl (voice)

Original Name : Mackenzie Foy

Gender : Female

Jeff Bridges

Character Name : The Aviator (voice)

Original Name : Jeff Bridges

Gender : Male

Rachel McAdams

Character Name : The Mother (voice)

Original Name : Rachel McAdams

Gender : Female

Marion Cotillard

Character Name : The Rose (voice)

Original Name : Marion Cotillard

Gender : Female

James Franco

Character Name : The Fox (voice)

Original Name : James Franco

Gender : Male

Benicio del Toro

Character Name : The Snake (voice)

Original Name : Benicio del Toro

Gender : Male

Bud Cort

Character Name : The King (voice)

Original Name : Bud Cort

Gender : Male

Ricky Gervais

Character Name : The Conceited Man (voice)

Original Name : Ricky Gervais

Gender : Male

Albert Brooks

Character Name : The Businessman (voice)

Original Name : Albert Brooks

Gender : Male

Paul Rudd

Character Name : Mr. Prince (voice)

Original Name : Paul Rudd

Gender : Male

Paul Giamatti

Character Name : The Academy Teacher (voice)

Original Name : Paul Giamatti

Gender : Male

Jacquie Barnbrook

Character Name : The Nurse / The Worried Neighbor / The Snooty Panelist (voice)

Original Name : Jacquie Barnbrook

Gender : Female

Marcel Bridges

Character Name : The Concerned Neighbor (voice)

Original Name : Marcel Bridges

Gender : Male

Jeffy Branion

Character Name : The Policeman (voice)

Original Name : Jeffy Branion

Gender : Male

Maddie Osborne

Character Name : The Little Muse (voice)

Original Name : Maddie Osborne

Gender : Male






> Growing up is not the problem. Forgetting is. I usually love the French animations, because unlike American, the stories, musics, characters that influences the thousands of year cultural history. Definitely not comparable to the Hollywood standards, but it had its own technical brilliance. All I wondered was why this film was in English language. It deserves to be on the upcoming's big occasion (2016 February), if it is eligible for the American Academy Awards. From the director of 'Kung Fu Panda' original movie, which was partially based on the children's novel. The book adaptation is the stop-motion animation and the remaining story's the regular 3D animation. Just remember the movies like 'What Dreams May Come' and 'The Lovely Bones', those magical worlds and breathtaking landscapes. Usually animations are associated with comedy genre, especially when a child character attached to it. This film was not even a comedy, more like those two titles I mentioned. The screenplay wise it was a very 'Neverwas' type, except this one was an animation. But appropriate for people of all ages. The kids can realise the importance of their childhood and the older people can become kids again. The film compressed the gap and erected a bridge between the two hoods, the childhood and the adulthood. > "What is essential is invisible to the eye." I did not know what to expect from it, but I highly satisfied with the final product. The film characters had no names, but called, the Little Girl, Mother, Fox, Rose, Snake, King et cetera as what their role is and species. Barely there are only 3-4 characters where the story was focused. Obviously it had a villain, but very unusual existence time and in a crucial part of the story. I don't remember how the 100 minutes went so fast like a ray of the light beam flashed away. The pace of narration was not a rushy, except the opening part. But once the old man character, the Aviator, voiced by Jeff Bridge was introduced, the movie turned into completely different and awesome. Yes, Jeff Bridge's voice was so good for the background narration. This story is about an old man who refused to grow up mentally and believes the existence of the magical stars and planets. The whole neighborhood stayed away from him and his troubles, until a new girl arrives at the next door. The little girl befriends him and falls for all his stories discarding her daily routines, but later it complicates their relationship after her mother finds out what they're up to. What happens to them and how the story concludes is the remaining part. > "She was not a common rose. > She was the only one of her kind in the whole universe." This story was finely fused between the reality and fantasy. Most essential storyline for the present world. In the name of education how the children were enforced by their parents to mechanical life with less time to play out and make their own friends. Especially as they were lacking the creativity to make up their own fictional worlds with their toys like the kids from a century ago were. It might psychologically affect their characters while becoming an adult like the Aviator in this film, but as one of lines from the movie say 'Growing up is not the problem. Forgetting is', the children are losing their innocence over the adult's reality world. Who knows, someday those kids may become the greatest writer inspired by their childhood days. If you ask me, I strongly recommend it for all. It is very encouraging film for the parents how not to raise their children and for the grown ups how not to get lost is the adult world. Most elegant flick of the year, along with a very few others. You don't have to ignore it because you have read the book, like I said it was not completely borrowed from the original material. Instead, two-third of the film was freshly established out of the same name masterpiece. I'm not familiar with the book, so I've no thoughts that differentiate between these two formats. But definitely the film deserved all the appreciation from critics and movie 9½/10