AnimationFamilyTV Movie

The boy and the tree


One evening close to Christmas, the tree, having seen the splendidly trimmed Christmas trees standing in the windows of nearby houses, and longing to be as beautiful as they are, begs the boy to trim it too. But the boy has neither ornaments nor money to buy any, in fact he has nothing. How can he make this withered, shriveled tree look beautiful, there in the middle of a filthy, freezing pavement? And yet this night will prove to be a very different night from every other. It will be a night when dreams come true, a night of enchantment and magic.

Release Date : 2009-12-31

Language :Greek

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Time Lapse PicturesEPT

Production Country : Greece

Alternative Titles :


Thodoris Atheridis

Character Name : (voice)

Original Name : Θοδωρής Αθερίδης

Gender : Male

Pavlos Haikalis

Character Name : (voice)

Original Name : Παύλος Χαϊκάλης

Gender : Male

Pavlos Kontoyannidis

Character Name : (voice)

Original Name : Παύλος Κοντογιαννίδης

Gender : Male

Mihalis Mitrousis

Character Name : (voice)

Original Name : Μιχάλης Μητρούσης

Gender : Male

Maria Nafpliotou

Character Name : Princess (voice)

Original Name : Μαρία Ναυπλιώτου

Gender : Female

Dimitris Piatas

Character Name : (voice)

Original Name : Δημήτρης Πιατάς

Gender : Male

Dionysis Savvopoulos

Character Name : Tree (voice)

Original Name : Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος

Gender : Male

Danae Skiadi

Character Name : Boy (voice)

Original Name : Δανάη Σκιάδη

Gender : Female


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