A Watcher in the Attic
In 1923, in a cheap Tokyo rooming house, a languid young man named Goda was feeling bored with his life. One day while playing dress up with a woman’s wig and lipstick, he accidentally loosens a ceiling board in his closet. Climbing up, he discovers a dimly lit passageway under the roof leading to the resident’s other rooms. Soon he is scampering about like a ninja, making knotholes and moving ceiling boards for a better view. What he sees are the intimate acts - sadistic, criminal or vaguely mad - that reveal infinitely more about his fellow roomers than the various fronts they present to the world.
Release Date : 1994-03-25
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Saburo Goda
Original Name : 三上博史
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kusuo Kitamura
Original Name : Kan'ichi Hiraga
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kiichiro Katabe
Original Name : 堀内正美
Gender : Male
Character Name : Teruko Akiduki
Original Name : 宮崎萬純
Gender : Female
Character Name : Mikihiko Endo
Original Name : 六平直政
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kogoro Akechi
Original Name : 嶋田久作
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kazue Uotani
Original Name : 清水ひとみ
Gender : Female
Character Name : Keizo Koshiduka
Original Name : 寺田農
Gender : Male
Character Name : Nanako Shinjo
Original Name : Keiko Kaga
Gender : Female
Character Name : Tamayo Sakimura
Original Name : Nao Suzuki
Gender : Male
Character Name : Eiji Otaka
Original Name : Sosuke Saito
Gender : Male
Character Name : Takeo Nakamoto
Original Name : 小林正寛
Gender : Male
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