
Drifter: Henry Lee Lucas


The true story of serial killer Henry Lee Lucas.

Release Date : 2009-09-01

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Antonio Sabàto, Jr.

Character Name : Henry

Original Name : Antonio Sabàto, Jr.

Gender : Male

John Diehl

Character Name : Sheriff Larabie

Original Name : John Diehl

Gender : Male

Kostas Sommer

Character Name : Otis

Original Name : Κώστας Σόμμερ

Gender : Male

Caia Coley

Character Name :

Original Name : Caia Coley

Gender : Female

John Burke

Character Name :

Original Name : John Burke

Gender : Male

Carmen Gloria Pérez

Character Name : Reporter 3

Original Name : Carmen Gloria Pérez

Gender : Female



John Chard

@John Chard


Drifter, Shifter, Fanciful Mister. Serial killer movies have become two a penny, it feels like at least a couple come out each year. This one, directed by Michael Feifer, just feels like old hat, like it is treading water to make a point that has been made a hundred times before. It doesn’t help that Henry Lee Lucas has already been covered in brilliantly grainy fashion previously with John McNaughton’s 1990 skin itcher Henry: Portrait OF A Serial Killer, which quite frankly is superior to this in every department. On the plus side are the performances of Antonio Sabato Jr. (Henry) and Kostas Sommer (Ottis), where the former is broody and twitchy, the latter hyper insane, but ultimately it achieves nothing. Kudos, however, is due for at least cleaving close to what facts of the case are known to be true. 4/10