
Lola la Piconera


During the Napoleonic era, when Napoleon's army tried to complete the conquest of Spain and headed towards Cádiz, they met a cantaora from Cádiz (Rocío Jurado) in the streets. However, her outward joy is deceptive since the man she is in love with is the French captain Gustavo Lefevre (Germán Cobos), who has come to conquer Spain. This film made for television stars the singer Rocío Jurado ("En Andalucía nació el amor") and directed by Fernando García de la Vega ("Cinco minutos nada menos").

Release Date : 1970-01-24

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Spain

Alternative Titles :


Rocío Jurado

Character Name : Lola

Original Name : Rocío Jurado

Gender : Female

Rafael de Córdoba

Character Name : Rafael Otero

Original Name : Rafael de Córdoba

Gender : Male

Germán Cobos

Character Name : Capitán Gustavo Lefevre

Original Name : Germán Cobos

Gender : Male

Soledad Miranda

Character Name : Rosarillo

Original Name : Soledad Miranda

Gender : Female

Carlos Casaravilla

Character Name : Acuña

Original Name : Carlos Casaravilla

Gender : Male

Félix Dafauce

Character Name : Mariscal Víctor

Original Name : Félix Dafauce

Gender : Male

Tomás Blanco

Character Name :

Original Name : Tomás Blanco

Gender : Male

José Moreno

Character Name :

Original Name : José Moreno

Gender : Male

Álvaro de Luna

Character Name : Pepe el Querubín

Original Name : Álvaro de Luna

Gender : Male

Chiro Bermejo

Character Name :

Original Name : Chiro Bermejo

Gender : Male

Roberto Cruz

Character Name :

Original Name : Roberto Cruz

Gender : Male


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