Jean-Louis is an naive, amiable orphan who spent his life with his elderly and very strict grandfather. Jean-Louis was a 25-year old virgin when a free-spirited young Parisian woman was temporarily stranded in his village after a bus broke down. She left him a changed man, and she also left a match book from a fast food restaurant called Fast Burger. Soon after his grandfather passes away, the innocent rube Jean-Louis hops on his bike and embarks upon a quest to Paris to find this enigmatic woman. But he is not prepared for the size of Paris, and instead ends up working at a Fast Burger outlet himself. Jean-Louis is a simple soul and freely expresses himself without guile. For some reason this endears him to the staff and management; soon he has been promoted into the upper echelons of the company. One day he meets a rather ditzy Metro security guard, Henriette, who is also at sea in the big city. The kindred spirits click and a sweet romance ensues.
Release Date : 1995-06-07
Language :French
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : M6 FilmsLes Films PelléasLes Films du Bois SacréLa Sept Cinéma
Production Country : France
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Jean-Louis
Original Name : Frédéric Gélard
Gender : Male
Character Name : Francis
Original Name : Jean-François Stévenin
Gender : Male
Character Name : La fille aux cheveux jaunes (comme des frites)
Original Name : Karin Viard
Gender : Female
Character Name : Henriette
Original Name : Nathalie Schmidt
Gender : Female
Character Name : Mr. Humbert
Original Name : Georges Claisse
Gender : Male
Character Name : Pépé
Original Name : Paul Crauchet
Gender : Male
Character Name : Gaël
Original Name : Gaël Baron
Gender : Male
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