
Oya: Rise of the Suporisha


Inspired by the ancient African deities known as Orixa and the traditions of Yoruba people as well as Candomble, Santeria and Umbanda among others. Disconnected from the natural essence of Orixa. Fuelled by hate, war and destruction. This world teeters on chaos. This world needs change. This world needs Oya: Orisha of the hurricane, goddess of the wind. Step into her world, as Oya goes on a mission to stop a lunatic, intent on killing an innocent. If change is to come. Evil must be defeated. The Orisha must rise.

Release Date : 2014-11-13

Language :EnglishYoruba

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Igodo Films

Production Country : United KingdomNigeria

Alternative Titles :


Ethosheia Hylton

Character Name : Oya

Original Name : Ethosheia Hylton

Gender : Female

Jayde Stedford

Character Name : Rebecca

Original Name : Jayde Stedford

Gender : Male

Quincy Okpokpor

Character Name : Mot

Original Name : Quincy Okpokpor

Gender : Male

Luiana Bonfim

Character Name : Tanit

Original Name : Luiana Bonfim

Gender : Male

Orwi Imanuel Ameh

Character Name : Eshu

Original Name : Orwi Imanuel Ameh

Gender : Male


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