


This film dwells with Alit's last day in San Francisco. After five years of study, he is finally returning home to Indonesia, to the arm of his beloved mother. At the same time, Alit realizes that this is his last chance to woo Tasya, his housemate, Bima, ex-girlfriend. However, destiny has something else in mind. On this day, starting from 6:30 a.m. until 6:30 a.m. the next morning, they (Alit, Tasya, and Bima) will find out the true meaning of friendship and the choices that they will have to make along the way.

Release Date : 2006-10-09

Language :Indonesian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Tangankiri Productions

Production Country : Indonesia

Alternative Titles :


Adilla Dimitri

Character Name : Alit

Original Name : Adilla Dimitri

Gender : Male

Dinna Olivia

Character Name : Tasya

Original Name : Dinna Olivia

Gender : Female

Winky Wiryawan

Character Name : Bima

Original Name : Winky Wiryawan

Gender : Male


Character Name : Hatless Homeless

Original Name : Calvin

Gender : Male


Character Name : Karim

Original Name : Eddy

Gender : Male


Character Name : As Himself

Original Name : Firman

Gender : Male

Ryen Motzek

Character Name : Valet Customer

Original Name : Ryen Motzek

Gender : Male

Jajang C. Noer

Character Name : Voice of Ibu

Original Name : Jajang C. Noer

Gender : Female

John Susanto

Character Name : Old Man in Laundry

Original Name : John Susanto

Gender : Male


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