Round Trip Heart
26-year-old Hachiko Hojo works as a train attendant, selling items on a cart. She's good at her job, but she lacks self confidence. One day, she meets a movie producer. They decide to visit tourist attractions in Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Hachiko Hojo looks back upon her life along the way.
Release Date : 2015-08-29
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Toei Video CompanyTFCTokyo Theatres Company
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Hachiko Hojo
Original Name : 大島優子
Gender : Female
Character Name : Yoichi Sakuraba
Original Name : 大倉孝二
Gender : Male
Character Name : Michiyo Kubo
Original Name : Yoshimi Nozaki
Gender : Male
Character Name : Naoki
Original Name : 窪田正孝
Gender : Male
Character Name : Yoriko Hojo
Original Name : Megumi Nishimuta
Gender : Male
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