

- A journey paved in blood.

In 13th century Ireland a group of monks must escort a sacred relic across a landscape fraught with peril.

Release Date : 2017-04-23

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Wrong MenSavage Productions

Production Country : BelgiumIreland

Alternative Titles :


Tom Holland

Character Name : The Novice - Brother Diarmuid

Original Name : Tom Holland

Gender : Male

Richard Armitage

Character Name : Raymond De Merville

Original Name : Richard Armitage

Gender : Male

Jon Bernthal

Character Name : The Mute

Original Name : Jon Bernthal

Gender : Male

Stanley Weber

Character Name : The Cistercian - Brother Gerladus

Original Name : Stanley Weber

Gender : Male

John Lynch

Character Name : The Herbalist - Brother Ciaran

Original Name : John Lynch

Gender : Male

Eric Godon

Character Name : Baron de Merville

Original Name : Eric Godon

Gender : Male

Tristan McConnell

Character Name : Dugald

Original Name : Tristan McConnell

Gender : Male

Rúaidhrí Conroy

Character Name : Brother Rua

Original Name : Rúaidhrí Conroy

Gender : Male

Lochlann Ó Mearáin

Character Name : Lopsided

Original Name : Lochlann Ó Mearáin

Gender : Male

Hugh O'Conor

Character Name : Brother Cathal

Original Name : Hugh O'Conor

Gender : Male

Nikos Karathanos

Character Name : Saint Matthias

Original Name : Νίκος Καραθάνος

Gender : Male






**Could be the beginning of a great saga** This film is great, believable action, characters and setting. Good soundtrack, charismatic actors, it's well paced and has decent camera work. The story has a certain pen and paper role-playing feel to it, we have a party of adventurers going on a quest, and there aren't many movies made like that. The novelty of it aside, it never gets boring due to its plot twists and realistic looking action. There is an epic historic novel called "Raptor" which has a similar story, at least the first few pages of it. When "Pilgrimage" ends you can't help but wonder what happens to the young monk going out into the world after being cloistered away for his whole life. 7 July 2017 I am migrating my reviews from a different site which has become simply garbage. TMDB looks awesome and I look forward to be a part of it.