
The Chicken


The Chicken [Le Poulet] is a 1965 French short comedy film directed by Claude Berri. The film follows a father, mother, and son who go to visit a chicken farm. The son catches and brings home a chicken. The father plans to eat it if the chicken doesn't lay eggs. The boy aims to save the chicken and comedy ensues. It won an Oscar in 1966 for Best Short Subject.

Release Date : 1965-07-19

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles :


Jacques Marin

Character Name : Le père

Original Name : Jacques Marin

Gender : Male

Viviane Bourbonneux

Character Name : La mère

Original Name : Viviane Bourbonneux

Gender : Male

Martin Serre

Character Name : Le gosse

Original Name : Martin Serre

Gender : Male


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