
Istrione o figurante?


Ironic comedy but with a message true and strong, harsh reality of the world of the show told in 3 minutes.

Release Date : 2014-08-22

Language :Italian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Italy

Alternative Titles :


Claudio Alberto Francesconi

Character Name : Claudio

Original Name : Claudio Alberto Francesconi

Gender : Male

Stefano Simondo

Character Name : Stefano

Original Name : Stefano Simondo

Gender : Male






The plot of this short film is that, perhaps, not always the directors, writers, producers in the show, seen good. Acted by the pair of actors Claudio Alberto Francesconi and Stefano Simondo, an ironic comedy but with a message true and strong, harsh reality of the world of the show told in 3 minutes.