
Lost Paradise


Mexican Caribbean islands are famous for their spectacular beauty. The vast distance where them are found, has transformed them into dens of heartless men, prepared to whatever they need to do in order to remain anonymous. Three young people decide to visit one of these islands, without knowing that there is something inside that can separate them forever.

Release Date : 2016-03-11

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Videocine

Production Country : Mexico

Alternative Titles :


Ana Claudia Talancón

Character Name : Sofia

Original Name : Ana Claudia Talancón

Gender : Female

lván Sánchez

Character Name : Mateo

Original Name : lván Sánchez

Gender : Male

Andrés Almeida

Character Name : Pedro

Original Name : Andrés Almeida

Gender : Male

Raúl Briones

Character Name : El niño

Original Name : Raúl Briones

Gender : Male


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