AdventureFantasyScience Fiction

When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth

- Enter an age of unknown terrors, pagan worship and virgin sacrifice...

An ancient tribe attempts to sacrifice Sanna as an offering to the Sun god to save their tribe from dinosaurs. Tara, a young man from another tribe, saves Sanna and takes her along with him.

Release Date : 1970-10-25

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Hammer Film Productions

Production Country : United Kingdom

Alternative Titles :


Victoria Vetri

Character Name : Sanna

Original Name : Victoria Vetri

Gender : Female

Robin Hawdon

Character Name : Tara

Original Name : Robin Hawdon

Gender : Male

Patrick Allen

Character Name : Kingsor

Original Name : Patrick Allen

Gender : Male

Drewe Henley

Character Name : Khaku

Original Name : Drewe Henley

Gender : Male

Sean Caffrey

Character Name : Kane

Original Name : Sean Caffrey

Gender : Male

Magda Konopka

Character Name : Ulido

Original Name : Magda Konopka

Gender : Female

Imogen Hassall

Character Name : Ayak

Original Name : Imogen Hassall

Gender : Female

Patrick Holt

Character Name : Ammon

Original Name : Patrick Holt

Gender : Male

Jan Rossini

Character Name : Rock Girl

Original Name : Jan Rossini

Gender : Female

Carol Hawkins

Character Name : Yani

Original Name : Carol Hawkins

Gender : Female

Maria O'Brien

Character Name : Omah

Original Name : Maria O'Brien

Gender : Female

Connie Tilton

Character Name : Sand Mother

Original Name : Connie Tilton

Gender : Male

Maggie Lynton

Character Name : Rock Mother

Original Name : Maggie Lynton

Gender : Male

Jimmy Lodge

Character Name : Fisherman

Original Name : Jimmy Lodge

Gender : Male

Billy Cornelius

Character Name : Hunter

Original Name : Billy Cornelius

Gender : Male

Ray Ford

Character Name : Hunter

Original Name : Ray Ford

Gender : Male






This sat in my Watchlist for a long time. It's not been available to stream anywhere. Because I'm a nut for stop-motion effects, dinosaurs, and maybe even for cave women, I coughed up the $20 for the blu-ray and watched it. It's not a good movie. There are lots of barely clothed cave people shouting "AKEETA!!!!!" every other word. It's uncertain what that word actually means because all of the actors apparently just made up a language as they filmed. Basically, Sanna and Tara form a bond and everyone else chases them around. If caught, they will be killed because Sanna (Victoria Vetri) was supposed to be sacrificed, escaped, and has made the sun angry or some such thing. In the end, there's a happy ending as the moon is formed from the sun (???!!!), and everyone is killed by a massive tidal wave except Sanna and Tara, and a swinging couple that they've befriended. The stop-motion effects were very well done by Jim Danforth. There were a couple of lesser effects where they glued fins and stuff to a lizard, crocodile, and Komodo dragon, and I'd like to think that Danforth had nothing to do with those misfires. I'm assuming it was done by some other scrub who was forced to do so by cost-cutting executives. In summary, this was not much of a movie, but it was fun to watch. I liked the effects overall, and was very impressed with Victoria Vetri and Magna Konopka, for reasons that might be obvious, but that's my business.