
Conversations with Mother


Jaime has lost his job and has to provide for his wife, son and daughter. Pressured by this circumstances, he visits his mom, who lives in an apartment he owns, to ask her to move with him so he can sell the apartment. But she is not going to cooperate. And, to Jaime's surprise, she also has a boyfriend!

Release Date : 2004-04-15

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : ArgentinaSpain

Alternative Titles :


China Zorrilla

Character Name : Mamá

Original Name : China Zorrilla

Gender : Female

Eduardo Blanco

Character Name : Jaime

Original Name : Eduardo Blanco

Gender : Male

Ulises Dumont

Character Name : Gregorio

Original Name : Ulises Dumont

Gender : Male

Silvina Bosco

Character Name : Dorita

Original Name : Silvina Bosco

Gender : Female

Floria Bloise

Character Name : Lucrecia

Original Name : Floria Bloise

Gender : Male


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