Didier, 39, an unemployed artist, depressive and hypochondriac, is persuaded he is going to die within one or two months because of the asbestos contained in his radiator. That's why he decides, as a testament destined to his retired father, to have himself filmed in the places he and his parents used to go to for their Sunday escapades when he was a kid. But, after leaving Bastogne, he hears on the radio that Marc Dutroux, the pedophile-torturer-murderer has just escaped the police forces. Totally upset, Didier decides to fork off to Grâce-Hologne, a little village close to Liège, to protect a potential victim of Dutroux.
Release Date : 1999-06-30
Language :French
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la FWBLa Fondation Joseph JacquemotteLatitudes ProductionsLes Amis du Travelling
Production Country : Belgium
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Didier
Original Name : Didier Toupy
Gender : Male
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