WesternTV Movie


- His name has become part of American vocabulary. This is his story.

The story of the greatest Native American warrior who, together with the rest of his Apache tribesmen, defied American and Mexican Armies in 1867. Finally caught and sent to a reservation camp, he eluded a military force of 5000 for 18 months before finally surrendering to the government.

Release Date : 1993-12-05

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Turner Pictures

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Joseph Runningfox

Character Name : Geronimo

Original Name : Joseph Runningfox

Gender : Male

Nick Ramus

Character Name :

Original Name : Nick Ramus

Gender : Male

Michelle St. John

Character Name :

Original Name : Michelle St. John

Gender : Female

Michael Greyeyes

Character Name : Juh

Original Name : Michael Greyeyes

Gender : Male

Tailinh Agoyo

Character Name : Alope

Original Name : Tailinh Agoyo

Gender : Female

Kimberly Guerrero

Character Name :

Original Name : Kimberly Guerrero

Gender : Female

Jimmy Herman

Character Name : Old Geronimo

Original Name : Jimmy Herman

Gender : Male

August Schellenberg

Character Name : Cochise

Original Name : August Schellenberg

Gender : Male

Geno Silva

Character Name : General Carbinsco

Original Name : Geno Silva

Gender : Male

Harrison Lowe

Character Name : Nana

Original Name : Harrison Lowe

Gender : Male

Ryan Rajendra Black

Character Name :

Original Name : Ryan Rajendra Black

Gender : Male

Lusheia Lenaburg

Character Name : Nandile

Original Name : Lusheia Lenaburg

Gender : Male

Jonothon Gill

Character Name : Nosopo

Original Name : Jonothon Gill

Gender : Male

Kiohod Norris-Ramirez

Character Name : Young Juh

Original Name : Kiohod Norris-Ramirez

Gender : Male

Mark Brien

Character Name : Chihuahua

Original Name : Mark Brien

Gender : Male

Adan Sanchez

Character Name : Adjuntant

Original Name : Adan Sanchez

Gender : Male

Brian Frejo

Character Name : Cadet Daklugie

Original Name : Brian Frejo

Gender : Male

Edward Estrada

Character Name : Niache

Original Name : Edward Estrada

Gender : Male

David Herrera

Character Name : Mayor of Janos

Original Name : David Herrera

Gender : Male

Rick Taylor

Character Name : Sergeant Horton

Original Name : Rick Taylor

Gender : Male

George Dobbs

Character Name : Wratten

Original Name : George Dobbs

Gender : Male

Chesley Wilson

Character Name : Singer of Songs

Original Name : Chesley Wilson

Gender : Male

Doreen Seaton

Character Name : Alope's Mother

Original Name : Doreen Seaton

Gender : Male

Eddie Spears

Character Name : Ishkiye

Original Name : Eddie Spears

Gender : Male

Jonathan Abel

Character Name : General West

Original Name : Jonathan Abel

Gender : Male

Jon Proudstar

Character Name : Zuni Warrior

Original Name : Jon Proudstar

Gender : Male

Mark Bustamante

Character Name : Petrified Soldier

Original Name : Mark Bustamante

Gender : Male

Casey Camp-Horinek

Character Name : Goyahkla's Mother

Original Name : Casey Camp-Horinek

Gender : Female

Nick Young

Character Name : Purlington

Original Name : Nick Young

Gender : Male

Cody Lightning

Character Name : Young Daklugie

Original Name : Cody Lightning

Gender : Male

Andrew Mora

Character Name : Kayitah

Original Name : Andrew Mora

Gender : Male

Jessica Cruz

Character Name : Ketsu

Original Name : Jessica Cruz

Gender : Male

Ray Geer

Character Name : Teddy Roosevelt

Original Name : Ray Geer

Gender : Male

Eugene Montes

Character Name : Sergeant Ortiz

Original Name : Eugene Montes

Gender : Male

Craig Huston

Character Name : San Carlos Soldier

Original Name : Craig Huston

Gender : Male

Annie Olson

Character Name : Mrs. Roosevelt

Original Name : Annie Olson

Gender : Male

Christopher Gibson

Character Name : Reporter

Original Name : Christopher Gibson

Gender : Male

David Dempsay

Character Name : Assassin

Original Name : David Dempsay

Gender : Male

Steve Gates

Character Name : Parade Organizer

Original Name : Steve Gates

Gender : Male

Glen Gold

Character Name : Peabody

Original Name : Glen Gold

Gender : Male

Will 'Nahkohe' Strickland

Character Name : Mayor of Pinos Altos

Original Name : Will 'Nahkohe' Strickland

Gender : Male

Michael F. Woodson

Character Name : Autograph Man

Original Name : Michael F. Woodson

Gender : Male

Sam Smiley

Character Name : Sergeant-At-Arms

Original Name : Sam Smiley

Gender : Male



John Chard

@John Chard


Some say that his name can be heard when the wind blows. When his family is slaughtered by Mexican troops, an Apache brave chooses a path that would make him known as one of the most feared warriors in history. His name? Geronimo. It's still an annoyance to many that we have yet to get a truly on the money big screen biography film about Geronimo. How ironic, then, that the best film about the man is a TV film, one with an average budget and one filming with largely unknown actors - many of whom are actually Native Americans. This take is more of an origin story, taking us into his life and dealing with the events that would lead to him becoming the most sought after warrior during the Indian Wars. The pic addresses some forgotten facts missed by Hollywood, like involving the Mexican army in how his life was shaped, and how they behaved in the first instance. His rise to mythical - ghost like - status is covered, and covered by 3 different actors during the stages of his life, building up to the pained scenario that would see him give himself up to the American government and all that nasty business that would follow. It's authentically told and portrayed, with the location filming (Tuscon, Arizona) also aiding the earthy appeal of it all. And while it lacks a high quotient of the blood and thunder one might expect from a film with this subject matter, the integrity and all round humanisation of the subjects marks it out as an honest pic worthy of seeking out. 7/10