
Granny's Dancing on the Table


Eini grows up isolated from society with her father who does everything he can to make Eini believe that the world outside and the people out there are evil, and that all that has to do with sexuality and adulthood is dangerous.

Release Date : 2015-09-11

Language :EnglishSwedish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Nordic Factory FilmTangram Film

Production Country : Sweden

Alternative Titles :


Blanca Engström

Character Name : Eini

Original Name : Blanca Engström

Gender : Male

Lennart Jähkel

Character Name : The Father

Original Name : Lennart Jähkel

Gender : Male

Mike Altmann

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : Mike Altmann

Gender : Male

Karin Bertling

Character Name : Granny

Original Name : Karin Bertling

Gender : Female

Briten Granqvist

Character Name : Lucia

Original Name : Briten Granqvist

Gender : Male


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