
Old Bill and Son


Old Bill has grumbled his way through the trenches of the First World War. Now it is the Second and, envious of his son, Young Bill, he decides to enlist. He finally enters the Pioneer Corps, which is based near his son. When Young Bill goes missing during a raid, Old Bill shows that there's still life in the old dog yet!

Release Date : 1941-03-01

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Legeran

Production Country : United Kingdom

Alternative Titles :


Morland Graham

Character Name : Old Bill

Original Name : Morland Graham

Gender : Male

John Mills

Character Name : Young Bill

Original Name : John Mills

Gender : Male

Mary Clare

Character Name : Maggie

Original Name : Mary Clare

Gender : Female

Renée Houston

Character Name : Stella Malloy

Original Name : Renée Houston

Gender : Female

Rène Ray

Character Name : Sally

Original Name : Rène Ray

Gender : Female

Gus McNaughton

Character Name : Alf

Original Name : Gus McNaughton

Gender : Male

Ronald Shiner

Character Name : Bert

Original Name : Ronald Shiner

Gender : Male

Manning Whiley

Character Name : Chimp

Original Name : Manning Whiley

Gender : Male

Janine Darcey

Character Name : Françoise

Original Name : Janine Darcey

Gender : Female

Roland Culver

Character Name : Colonel

Original Name : Roland Culver

Gender : Male

Donald Stuart

Character Name : Canuck

Original Name : Donald Stuart

Gender : Male

Nicholas Phipps

Character Name : BBC Reporter

Original Name : Nicholas Phipps

Gender : Male

Allan Jeayes

Character Name : Willoughby

Original Name : Allan Jeayes

Gender : Male

Ian Fleming

Character Name : Club Member (uncredited)

Original Name : Ian Fleming

Gender : Male

Philip Friend

Character Name : (uncredited)

Original Name : Philip Friend

Gender : Male

Arthur Hambling

Character Name : Shelter Delivery Man

Original Name : Arthur Hambling

Gender : Male

Edward Lexy

Character Name : Soldier

Original Name : Edward Lexy

Gender : Male

Al Millen

Character Name : Lance Corporal

Original Name : Al Millen

Gender : Male

Bill Shine

Character Name : Pub Customer

Original Name : Bill Shine

Gender : Male

Percy Walsh

Character Name : Gustave

Original Name : Percy Walsh

Gender : Male

John Warwick

Character Name : Recruiting Officer

Original Name : John Warwick

Gender : Male

Ben Williams

Character Name : Policeman

Original Name : Ben Williams

Gender : Male

George Spence

Character Name : Old Soldier (uncredited)

Original Name : George Spence

Gender : Male






Made nearer the start WWII, this is a gently predictable comedy vehicle for Morland Graham, Here, he is "Old Bill" a Great War veteran who tries to enlist alongside his son (John Mills), but is told that he is now too old. The story depicts his efforts get himself to France, and once there of his antics to thrive and survive. Mills, meantime, is using all his charm on the gals in the local population - particularly poor "Françoise" (Janine Darcey). It's a wartime morale booster of a film, and ought not to be underestimated for that - Mary Clare, Roland Culver, and a fun comedy turn from Renee Houston all help it make us smile (yes, ok, and cringe a bit sometimes, too). It was based on a cartoon, and the story unfolds for us in a similarly created, episodic style that does it's job.