


Two women, two destinies, two Nastyas. One is a policewoman, the other a criminal. But who of them is actually in prison? At the basis of the script lies the real story of Nastya Cherepanova, a postwoman from near Nizhni Novgorod, who in 2011 stole pensions from a savings bank and went to search for a better life with her lover.

Release Date : 2015-06-10

Language :Russian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Russia

Alternative Titles :


Mariya Shulga

Character Name : Nastya

Original Name : Mariya Shulga

Gender : Female

Inga Strelkova-Oboldina

Character Name : police officer, Anastasia

Original Name : Инга Оболдина

Gender : Female

Anna Ukolova

Character Name :

Original Name : Анна Уколова

Gender : Female

Alfiya Zakirova

Character Name :

Original Name : Альфия Закирова

Gender : Female


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